
• Originated the ever-expanding breast cancer mapping project in 1992. This original mapping project spearheaded the breast cancer environmental movement.


• Helped more than 25 breast cancer coalitions form and map locally, nationally and abroad, including two minority coalitions at Sisters for Sisters with Beth El AME Church in Copiague and another in Coram, as well as the Marin County Breast Cancer Watch in 1995 with Chris Mason, Francine Levien and Dr. Roger Grimson.


• The mapping project also led to the first rally in Suffolk on the steps of the H. Lee Dennison Building in 1993. This resulted in the formation of Suffolk County Breast Health Partnership, of which Lorraine Pace is a charter member.

• Through the West Islip Breast Cancer Coalition, initiated a breast cancer center at Good Samaritan Hospital and another at Stony Brook University Hospital through Breast Cancer Help, Inc.


• Initiated the Walk for Beauty in a Beautiful Place held annually in Stony Brook, resulting in the Unique Boutique.

• Initiated the move to establish the toll-free Cancer HELPLINE at Stony Brook University Hospital and Medical Center.


• Supporting the petition resulting in former President Clinton’s full commitment to a National Action Plan to fight breast cancer and a $250 million increase in federal funding for breast cancer research.

• Spearheaded a major letter-writing campaign to successfully bring about changes to federal regulations to provide insurance coverage for stem-cell infusion therapy for federal employees, with the instrumental help of Breast Cancer Help, Inc.’s board member Alex Fezza


• Supported passage of the NYS law that ends the practice of drive-through mastectomies by ensuring that HMOs and insurance companies offer hospital coverage to mastectomy patients until each patient and her physician have determined she is ready for discharge. The law also mandates insurers to cover mastectomy patients choosing reconstructive surgery.

• Spearheaded the effort to create the Breast Cancer Awareness Stamp and supported the Breast Cancer Research Stamp, which donates funds to breast cancer research, with the support of Congressman Peter King and former State Senator D’Amato.


• Initiated the move to update and expand the NYS Breast Cancer Registry and to require, through the efforts of NYS Senator Kemp Hannon, hospital registrar certification for medical records to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the Breast Cancer Registry. These efforts helped the NYS Cancer Registry receive the top ranking gold certificate from the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries. For more information on the zip code registries go to


• Lead the movement, along with then Breast Cancer Help Vice President, Diane Nannery, to create the “Give a Gift to Breast Cancer” check-off on the NYS income tax form, enabling taxpayers to make a contribution to the NYS Breast Cancer Research and Education Fund, and supporting the subsequent legislation, introduced by NYS Assemblyman Steve Englebright, authorizing the state to provide a dollar-for-dollar match for each contribution made to the Breast Cancer Research and Education Fund.

• Advocated the establishment of a toll-free hotline for the latest clinical trials for breast cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

• Testified at hearings on the environment and its link to breast cancer and petitioned the CDC to explore the breast cancer epidemic on Long Island and helping to launch the five-year Long Island Breast Cancer Study.

• Supported passage of the NYS Adoption law, introduced by NYS Assemblyman Robert Sweeney, allowing breast cancer patients to adopt children.

• Obtained $80,000 in 199? from NYS Assemblyman Paul Harenberg to improve prostate and breast cancer care in the Dept. of Radiation Oncology at Stony Brook University Hospital.

• Initiated the NYS breast/testicular education law, introduced by NYS Senator Ken LaValle.


• Successfully supported DOD surplus funds for breast cancer research.


• Supported passage of the NYS Neighborhood Notification law that requires 48-hour notice to immediate neighbors before the spraying of any pesticide. Supporting the bill to create the NYS Pesticide Registry signed into law by Governor Pataki and supporting the Suffolk law that bans the use of pesticides on new golf courses.

• Helped form the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund with John Pace performing the legal work, pro bono. Initiated the naming of the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care Center at Stony Brook.


• In 2001, contributed $100,000 and procured an additional $250,000 through the help of Suffolk County Executive Robert Gaffney and Legislator Cameron Alden to allow Stony Brook University Hospital to purchase the first two of three modules for the Novalis Radio Surgery system.


• Beginning in 2001, guaranteed a 63-month lease for the GE Digital Mammography System and began making lease payments exceeding $7,000 per month, assisted by a $250,000 grant secured by Senator Trunzo.


• In March of 2003, opened the Long Island Cancer Help and Wellness Center in Lindenhurst to provide increased awareness and promote early detection, while providing cancer patients and survivors with support.

• Contributed half of the funds to purchase Confirma, Inc.’s new CADstream MRI reader for Stony Brook University Hospital. Procured $5 million for the L.I. Cancer Center at Stony Brook Through former U.S. Congressman Michael Forbes.


• Successfully obtained $1 million with the assistance of former U.S. Congressman Felix Grucci for the Long Island Cancer Database Project at Stony Brook University Hospital.


• Supported legislation signed into law in 2003 by Governor Pataki requiring clinical breast exams by a physician when a mammography is performed.

• In 2003, introduced Doctor Jack Kovach to Babylon Town Supervisor Steve Bellone, Babylon Town Councilman Wayne Horsley, and Connie Davis, Human Rights, Town of Babylon, which launched the start of the WITNESS Project through Beth El AME Church to provide early detection and support to African American women with breast cancer. Supported the first WITNESS Walk held on May 1, 2004.